(Tendering, Tracking, Costing)

Tendering & Tracking

Map and define tenders with flexible pricing, project classifications, and cost estimates. Compare various prices, handle BOQ change requests, and track progress by tasks, services, and milestones.

  • Tender Definition/Mapping

  • Tender Pricing based on Estimated cost of (Material, Labor, Contractor, Equipment, Other)

  • Flexible Project Definition (Types, Class, Sector)

  • Flexible Pricing (Manual Entry or Auto Generate based on Margin %)

  • Ability To Define Multiple Prices to Compare and Select From Tree View Including (Task, Service, Milestone)

  • BOQ Change Request




Streamline financial management by handling subcontractor and expense invoicing, while ensuring accurate allocation of costs for labor and equipment.

  • Billing based or Quantity Survey

  • Sub-Contractor Invoices

  • Expense Invoices

  • Purchase or Issue from WH

  • Labor & Equipment Allocation

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We strive to provide you with solutions to your business challenges and to protect your investment for the long term